The Big Form Factor Guide
One of the most enduring, unchanging aspects of modern computers happens to be the overall system form factor. The form factor may define the size of the motherboard, the power supply, the arrangement of the case, and innumerable other details.
In other words, it is important. But it's also fairly dull. Like power supplies, form factors don't attract much attention. They just aren't that interesting.
But there are an increasingly large number of form factors on the market. Some are largely compatible; some less so. Sorting it all out is a nontrivial task. Unless you have a guide that discusses the differences, anyway.
One of the quirks of these form factors is that they sometimes do funny things with the capitalization and hyphenation of their names. All efforts have been made to preserve the "official" way of writing each name.
We have opted to use the terms "width" and "depth" in the way that has become standard in the industry, even though this usage is now counter-intuitive in the world of tower cases. Pitcure the motherboard in a desktop configuration to visualize how "width" and "depth" are used to describe the size of a motherboard. We have prodvided drawings for as many form factors as possible in order to help mitigate this issue.